Organ Donor Card - Landing Page

User research

When tackling the CTA exercise, I sought a purpose that would resonate deeply with me throughout the journey—a product that not only needed a compelling call to action but also required persuading individuals to take a significant step. I choose the “organ donor” card, given its profound importance yet controversial nature that many shy away from. My primary objective was to boost the conversion rates on the landing page

Missing values - vulnerabilities | Competitor analysis

Easing Stress and Fostering Empathy on the Landing Page

The user experience on current organ donor landing pages tends to induce stress rather than alleviate it. A more user-friendly approach should be adopted to guide users seamlessly through the process, recognizing the sensitivity of the subject matter.

Overemphasis on Physical Process

Some platforms concentrate heavily on the technical and physical aspects of organ donation, potentially alienating users who are more emotionally driven or seeking information on the broader impact of their decision. Balancing the information architecture to include emotional and social aspects is crucial for a well-rounded user experience.

Outdated UI Design

Many existing organ donor landing pages suffer from outdated design elements, which can undermine trust and credibility. An updated, modern aesthetic is essential to convey the relevance and reliability of the information provided.

Lack of User Communication

Current platforms often fail to establish a meaningful connection with users. Effective communication is crucial in guiding users through the process, addressing concerns, and fostering a sense of trust in the decision to become an organ donor.

Neglect of Moral and Social Values:

Organ donation is a deeply personal and morally driven decision for many individuals. Existing landing pages often miss the opportunity to connect with users on a moral and social level, neglecting to highlight the positive impact and shared values of the organ donation community.

Failure to Address User Motivation:

Many current landing pages fall short of understanding and addressing the motivations behind the decision to become an organ donor. A user-centric approach should delve into the user’s journey, motivations, and concerns, providing tailored information and support throughout the decision-making process.

New values

Young, conscious, and humanistic.

User flow

Ux Ui design - user flow

In my user flow, I wanted to find a solution to some major problems:

How to present a topic that is difficult to talk about?

I decided that in order to talk about an unpleasant subject, it might be appropriate to talk first about the unpleasantness of the subject itself. So, I opened the home page with the personal story of many of us and the question “Can we talk about death?”. This question leads us to the beginning of our resistance story which I focus on.


Medical information yes or no?

The user study revealed two groups that need a different approach: one is interested in the details of the medical process and the other wants to avoid talking about the issue.


Fears and superstitions

I decided to devote a page to addressing fears and superstitions, as many prejudices can be easily refuted by information regarding organ donation.

HI-FI screen

Identity and identification

I wanted to turn the card into an accessory that identified with a young, conscious, and humanity and represented a new world. I decided to create a grid of faces some of them donating and some waiting for donations to emphasize our great connection as human beings and mutual guarantee. and suggest the possibility that each one of us can need an organ donation.





The principles that guided me in the UI design process were:
Young, positive and calm colors, that communicate with a magical world and better ideas.
Simple geometric lines represent the scientific and medical point of view, also the responsible side of this act.
Illustration with a romantic touch, As a suggestion for a positive attitude towards death.


Mobile version
